president's message

As the President of the Los Angeles School Police Management Association, I would like to thank you for your interest in our association and for visiting our website. We work collaboratively with our Department, the Los Angeles Unified School District, and our labor partners to make sure our members are represented and defended vigorously. Our association represents Sergeants, Lieutenants, and School Safety Sergeants who provide leadership and direction to our approximately 200 sworn and non-sworn department personnel.
While viewing this website I hope you will be better informed as to who we are, and who we represent. We stay closely involved in political races and legislation that affects our membership. We engage local leaders, students, parents, school staff, and members of the community to collaborate on making the LAUSD a safer place. We also engage with local law enforcement agencies and associations so we can stay well-informed on issues affecting our members.
We have a deep appreciation for all those who support the important work we do in protecting the students and staff of the second-largest school district in the country. We hope you find this website helpful and informative. We would like the website to serve as a tool to facilitate an effective means of communication between our valued members and the community we serve.
Again, Thank you for your support.
Jason Muck, LASPMA President